Monday, August 31, 2015

Photoshop Notes

Shape Selection Tools

  • Marquee (Elliptical, Rectangular) [M]
  • Lasso ("Classic" Lasso, Magnetic Lasso, Polygonal) [L]
Color Selection Tools 
  • Magic Wand (Any color you click on will select) [W]
  • Quick selection (Click-drag over color sections)

Marquee and lasso are one of the oldest photoshop tools that help change the shapes of the picture. 

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Photoshop Intro

Photoshop CS6 NOTES
a.) Press Command+N. b.)Choose size>OK

STEP 2 - COPY A PICTURE (from Google)
a.) Open your Web browser (Google Chrome)
b.) Type your search query (ex. Celebrity)
c.) Set Search Tools to SIZE>LARGE
d.) Click a picture for large preview
e.) Right click and choose COPY IMAGE
f.) In PS, Command+V (to paste)

STEP 3 - Transform Your Picture
a.) Click the Move Tool (V)
b.) Move the picture layer, by click-dragging.
c.) Command+T (to Transform), click corners.

STEP 4 - Select & Arrange Layers
a.) Select a layer from the layers panel
b.) Move, rotate, scale accordingly.
c.) To change order of layers, click drag-vertically.

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Visual Communication is a quarterly, peer-reviewed academic journal publishing top research in visual studies. It welcomes contributions from scholars in anthropology, sociology, history and scientific research.

What is visual communication?

Visual communication is communication through a visual aid and is described as the conveyance of ideas and information in forms that can be read or looked upon.

How does visual communication work?

At its core, visual communications effectively uses images to persuade, entertain, inform, and enlighten an observing audience of products, ideas, and messages. Graphic designers, advertising designers, art directors, and visual artists all utilize various forms of visual media to communicate their ideas to their desired audiences. Degree programs in visual communications often offer core classes that illustrate the fundamentals of the field, which may include study in business, conceptual development, and communication theory. Visual communication is prominent in advertising through various visual media, including websites, television, and print publishing.