Monday, October 12, 2015

Scott Robertson

       Many designers in general make designs that are similar to and different to each other. Bobby Chiu, Scott Robertson, and Daniel Simon all have designs that are similar and different depending on the circumstances of the design. Scott Robertson's and Daniel Simon designs are similar because there designs both deal with vehicles and abstract futuristic ideas. Scott Robertson and Daniel Simon both differ based on design because Daniel Simon designs actually stay on the computer with photographs and Robertson's drawings actually become real objects. Bobby Chiu's designs  differs from Scott Robertson and Daniel Simon because Bobby deals with nature more like natural things based on his imagination. Scott Robertson works have gone into  manufacturing car companies like BMW, Nissan, Yamaha, and etc. Daniel Simon works just stays on the computer. Bobby Chiu works stay on the computer also but he has online courses all over the world teaching people how to construct his designs which is known as Schoolism as well.
       A clear understanding of design methods make an artist better by making more interactive or entertaining, effective, and realistic. Scott Robertson's vehicle drawings are interactive and entertaining because he uses animation based on every angle according to visual observers. Robertson's drawings are effective because he uses complex shapes and composition which other designers sometimes don't use.

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